Relational APIs with Node.js Tastypie and RethinkDB

2016 Aug12

ne of the more tricky and debated topics in API circles is how to handle relational data. How deep into your data tree should it go, how to accept it from the client and how much to return to the client. One could choose to treat each resource as a silo and force the client to individually create each object and piece all of the relations together. However, that is not a great user experience. It also leads to a very large number of requests and data transfer, which has been a blemish on the idea of a REST API for a while. The emergence of modern mobile devices which limited bandwidth and performance profiles need a more streamlined

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filed under:  api tastypie hapi rethinkdb node

Ubiquitous Fine Grained Access Control With Node.js and RethinkDB

2016 May30

cess control is apart of virtually every application. Certain users should be able to see / do X, but never be able to do Y. Usually these kind of requirements are expressed in overly simple terms, such as:

Admin users should see that button but regular users should not.

--Every Product Manager. Ever

With traditional RDBM Systems, the direct approach is to set up a Many-To-Many relation ship between Users and Roles Where roles are basically like tags. Subsequently code paths are created to check if a user has a role named admin . Which gets very ugly as these sorts of simple checks quickly have to cover increasingly complex logic for users with multiple roles and for roles that

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filed under:  javascript rethinkdb acl node

File Uploads With Node Tastypie & Hapi

2015 Jul24

ealing with files and handling uploads is an ugly reality in web applications. It can be even more unpleasant if you application is driven by REST APIs. In days passed, it often came down to flash uploaders talking outside the api and someone having to link multiple data sets together. I was always partial to the fantastic FancyUploader Library. Fortunately, things have gotten better. Node, and Hapi make dealing with incoming files much easier. More over, Tastypie & Hapi make this exceptionally easy to do this in a single Api Endpoint. To illustrate this we are going to build up a small Api to store and save some binary data.

To accomplish this, we need to do 4 things:

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filed under:  api hapi upload rethinkdb node.js