Override Nested Dependencies With NPM 3

2016 Jan25

pm is one of the primary reasons that the node community is so strong today. It makes it easy to write, package and publish code. This is primarily because of how it solves the package version and dependency crisis - Every package has a version and it's own set of dependencies which are organized into a directory tree. It sounds so simple, but it took over twenty years of developers pulling their hair out over package manager dependency soup, it is a wonder why it hadn't been done sooner. Even more so, NPM's package manifest is a simple json file that lets fine tune the specificity of the modules in your package

However, there is one thing that can

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filed under:  modules npm packages node.js

Production Ready Node: Caching

2015 Apr29

aching is often times the first line of defense against poor performing applications and very quickly becomes a critical and complex part of various parts of the stack. One of the more frustrating aspects of caching, is that there are so many very capable solutions available - Redis, memcached, memory etc. Even some databases or plain old `files` can be used to cache data in certain circumstances. Each of them having different strengths, weaknesses, uses cases and different APIs.

Cache ['kash] -n, noun; -v, verb

a component that stores data so future requests for that data can be served faster; the data stored in a cache might be the results of an earlier computation, or the duplicates of data

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Goin' Full Require: Moving To AMD

2012 Nov02

MD ( [Asyncronous Module Definition](http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/CommonJS) ) is a apart of the [CommonJS](http://www.commonjs.org/) movement. It aims to bring something to javasscript is very much needed in todays world of browser based applications. And that is the idea of modules. A logical way of breaking your apps into smaller, more logical peices and import dependencies only in the situations that you actually need them. [RequireJS](http://www.requirejs.org) is at the fore front of JavaScript Module loaders, and for good reason. When you start to dig into RequireJS, you'll find that it isn't just a fancy script loader, but more of a micro-framework for managing large JavaSscript Apps.

Make The Move


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filed under:  javascript amd requirejs modules